1 Cor. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honored every part rejoices with it.
I have always been fascinated with Helen Keller. She was born blind and deaf. Even though she was without these vital senses she earned a college degree. She also became an author,political activist and lecturer. We are in the midst of some very difficult times. People are missing human interaction. We miss seeing our family and friends. Those in church communities are missing worshiping as one body. Even though we are separated as families and as church communities we are still united in Christ. We still have found ways to connect through social media and calls. We are still finding new ways of being the church in the world. We will get through this and we will be stronger for it. So until then know that God walks with us!
Tonight we pray for the Rockwell family as they are in isolation. This is due to Elizabeth having a fever and cough. We pray for their safety and for healing. May God’s healing presence surround them. We pray for all who lost jobs that they may find relief. For families who are grieving at the loss of a loved one. For all elected leaders to make wise choices on our behalf. For anyone who is feeling isolated and alone. That they may have peace. All these things we ask for in the name of Jesus our Lord, Amen